Manifestation for Skeptics: Is it true?

Do you believe in manifestation or are you on the skeptics’ team? I myself do not believe in anything, but respect other people’s methods so much that I am even putting this into doubt. Because let’s face it: all of us have seen it happen for someone and wondered if we’re sabotaging our own supposedly much possible happy ending. And you know the truth. Our mind is our own biggest terrorist, especially when we’re going through tough times. But let’s not dig into that existential crisis, let’s talk science!

I really hope that you bear with me because I smoked a whole shawarma for this. Meaning, I went deep into the concepts of quantum physics and combined it with good old psychology, all in order to try and explain this in the easiest way possible. It may not be 100% accurate, but it is 100% made with love during my solitary immigrant birthday… Which I am glad I had because it just means better days will come. And that is a fact! High five to my brain for being positive AND statistically correct this time.

The Relationship Between Manifestation & Quantum Physics

Imagine you’re a blank canvas. No religion, no politics, no economy, no social pressure, none of that is important anymore. How would you define your spirituality? It’s probably just about the things that make you feel whole and the certainty of life against death and death against life. I would dare to say most of us reduced it to that level of simplicity, but others turned to pseudo-science. Here’s how they will sell manifestation to you: 

  1. The Universe is just energy, and we are one with the Universe. Because we are energy, too. Therefore, everything we put our “energy” into, will manifest into life somehow.
  2. Your thoughts are electric, and your emotions are magnetic, therefore we all have an electromagnetic field. That is why that dog was barking at you out of nowhere the other day. Just kidding, but that is why, according to some, quantum physics is supposed to help you. Because your thoughts will become real by altering the course of electromagnetic radiation in your favor… Somehow.
  3. Manifesting is as simple as determining a specific goal, feeling genuinely as if you’ve already achieved it, and keeping it that way until it happens. Somehow.

So far so good. Except that it makes little sense according to science. And that it distorts quantum physics to an extended level. Please, allow me to explain why this extremely curious branch of science has been misunderstood and prostituted in such a way that an infinity of studies and concepts became blatantly overseen by those who just wanted to have a little fun and fulfill their little dreams.

The Lie About Manifestation and “Science”

This is the part where you can LOL if you’re a scientist, because after assuring you that migrants are not becoming dumb, this actual cleaning lady right here is going to try to explain quantum physics in a cute way. And it is very cute indeed, as “quantum” refers to the minimum amount of any physical entity involved in an interaction, such as photons, protons, electrons… Awww, right? Just tiny particles doing tiny things. Things you can barely see with a quantum microscope – which in fact, just projects a sample of the image based on what it detects. That is why many things are still unknown to this day.

The Science of Turning Thoughts into Matter

Okay, let’s cut to the chase: the pseudo-theory of manifestation based on quantum physics says that quantum particles are influenced by thoughts. How so? Well, they quote the Observer Effect: when a subject focuses their attention on let’s say an electron, it will supposedly stay there. But when not observed, they will remain scattered, and this is only supposed to happen on a quantum level – as in, only with “energy”. Thus, your thoughts could literally materialize things.

As cool as it sounds, please allow me to be a party pooper and explain why this is as fake as my nails in 2022. The Observer Effect is a real concept used in many branches of science. However, it is broadly known that this phenomena is most likely caused by the instruments used for observation. And the part of it only happening on a quantum level is not only false, but also a misinterpretation of Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle, which basically states that (as far as we know yet) quantum objects behave in an erratic way, so you cannot predict their speed or position. Unlike classical objects.

The Truth about Manifestation and Psychology

Are you bored yet? I had a lot of fun taking that quantum acid trip for this article, but we need to talk business here. So if you’re still wondering what’s up with the science of manifestation and why us skeptics have to ruin everything, I have some good news. There’s a positive side to it! Of course, manifestation is an art that many will corroborate as true and magical – although it may not be supernatural, it has some truth to it.

Fact: Good thoughts will take you to good places

A friend of mine was going through tough times once, so she went to the psychologist. Unfortunately I couldn’t get much more information about this test because said friend is on holiday so she gets the “ignore” pass. But according to her, it was an epiphany: the therapist measured her signals and asked her to think about a situation that infuriated her. The signals went crazy! So after that, she asked her to think about something that made her extremely happy. It immediately got much better.

Especially when things are not going well, we tend to focus on the negative and enter what I call the sad vortex. Believe me, I know it is hard to avoid. But if studies prove that, on the contrary, positive thoughts lead you to an upward spiral, why in the world would you keep falling for negative thoughts? In the end, my friend’s psychologist advice was: when feeling sad, just go to your happy moment and it will lead to consequent positive thoughts. And consequent positive outcomes.

Fact: Your mind is a powerful tool

But Andreína, how am I going to turn positive thoughts into positive outcomes?! ANSWER ME PLS“. It sounds easier than it really is, because you can’t deny times can be tough. When it rains, it pours, I know. However, studies suggest that positive emotions enable people to think more creatively, therefore you can literally be able to see the bright side. So it’s not unhinged to say that you can manifest what you set your mind to more easily if you consciously kick out negative thoughts and start thinking happy things instead. This will take you to an upward spiral: you make better relationships and thus attract more opportunities.

If you ask me, that is some lousy advice because it’s much easier said than done. So here are some questions you can ask yourself when you feel your brain filling up with negative trash:

  • When was the last time you laughed until you cried? Why?
  • What is something you feel proud about?
  • What is the funniest moment you remember about your pet or kids?
  • What has changed for good in your life during the past year?
  • What is the most wholesome memory from your school years?

I am pretty sure answering these will take you to beautiful places. The problem seems to be that there is no in-between: either sad vortex or upward spiral, so you better put your mind to work before things get harder to overcome.

Win: Eyes on the bullseye!

One of the rules of manifestation is being very specific about what you wish. Visualizing it and feeling it as if it already became a reality can not only boost your happy thoughts – it can also help you put your mind to it just as establishing goals on a project will give a team the right directions. So if you dare to manifest today, do it thoroughly! Focus on details and follow your own delusions. I support you!

What do you think? Have you ever manifested anything? I have. One time when I was little I grabbed a dandelion from my grandma’s garden, closed my eyes and wished so bad for a Betty Spaghetti doll, and the minute I blew it, my aunt called me inside the house. She had bought me a Betty Spaghetti doll. From that moment on and up until this day, I wished many things from dandelions with about 30% accuracy. Which is not that bad now that I think about it, considering dandelions are 100% free.

Anyway. Please let me know if you’re the sad vortex or the upward spiral type. And follow me on Instagram! I try to post fun stuff every week, as long as I’m not busy writing existential articles🙂


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